
English Name :Dongxin Science Park
Developer:Eastern Communications City Co., Ltd.
Building areas:30,000sq.m
Contacts:Qian Wang
E - mail:wangqian@eastcom.com
Address:No.66 Dongxin Rd., Hangzhou Hi-Tech Zone (Binjiang)
geographical location:
    Eastern Communications City ( hereinafter referred to as Eastcom ) was established by Hangzhou Eastern Communications City Co., Ltd. it covers an area of 332.000sq.m. Its total building areas reach I80,000sq.m. and its total investment obtains RMB670,000,000. Eastcom is located in (Binjiang) Zhijiang Industrial Park of Hangzhou Hi-Tech Zone south to Qianjiang River Bridge I, facing the famous scenie spot "Liuhe Tower" off the river. Its geographical location is excellent and trasportation is completely convenient.

    Eastcom is composed of A, B, C, D, E factories and R&D building. It is equipped with advanced central air conditioning system, non-contact entrance guard and attendance cheek system, fire monitor system, BA intelligent control system, synthetic layout and passenger-cargo lifts. Two-way private Line 2 X 1250KVA is adopted to supply power capable to effectively satisfy the requirements of companies therein for manufacture and research. What is more, in the park there are also professional securities, cleaning and environmental corporations providing standardized property management service and dining center providing professional meals. Eastcom is also a green park-type factory. Its green land occupies as many as 7hectares and the green rate has surpassed 50%. There are also standard tennis-courts and basketball courts in the park for dwelling staff to do exercises and make pleasure.

Spacious corridor Edition binding Office Elegant dining environment
    At present, in the Eastcom there are Eastcom State-Level Technical Center, Terminal Production Department, System Production Department, Hangzhou Motorola System Equipments Company, Hangzhou Motorola Mobile Device Company Individual Communication Division, UT Starcom Communications Co., Ltd., Huawei 3COM and other well- known enterprises. The industrial scale therein exceeds RMB l0,000,000,000.
    Relying on the favorably endowed geographical environment and favorable hi-tech industry policies, Eastern as a bright pearl in the south of Qiantang River honorably welcome manufacturers at home and from abroad to start a business.
阿城市| 饶阳县| 敦煌市| 芦溪县| 上思县| 新化县| 航空| 当阳市| 改则县| 佛山市| 新和县| 托克托县| 铜陵市| 扬中市| 绍兴县| 宣化县| 循化| 新野县| 山东省| 万安县| 鸡西市| 尚志市| 南华县| 汨罗市| 齐河县| 泾源县| 高青县| 辽阳市| 开远市| 绵竹市| 英山县| 兴化市| 永州市| 兖州市| 枣庄市| 汉沽区| 云和县| 台东市| 诏安县| 红原县| 景宁|